Waco Community Volunteer Fire Department
Cleveland County, NC

BBQ Sale


Waco VFD Annual BBQ orders are now being accepted! Order your Boston Butt today!



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waco vfd

Waco Community VFD provides fire, rescue and EMS services to our community. You can also get fire reports, fire safety information, and community service information.

Fire Prevention

Waco vfd

Fire prevention programs, smoke detectors, and CO detector infomation.

About Us

The Waco Community Volunteer Fire Department (WCVFD) was founded in 1963. WCVFD is a combination fire department that provides all-risk services to the citizens of the Waco Fire District (WFD). The WFD is 31 square miles has a mix of business, residential, agricultural, and industrial sites. Approximately two-thirds of the WFD is in Cleveland County with the remaining one-third in Gaston County. The WFD includes the Town of Waco and all unincorporated areas between the City of Shelby (Cleveland County) and the City of Cherryville (Gaston County). The WCVFD has mutual aid and/or automatic aid agreements with Cleveland County, Gaston County, the City of Shelby, and the City of Cherryville. Responses to multi-alarm fires can be anywhere within Cleveland, Gaston, or Lincoln Counties.

The WCVFD is staffed with 2 Firefighters from 9am-5pm and at least one firefighter between the hours of 7am-7pm during the week. Volunteers always respond from home or work throughout the district. The rest of the week the WFD is protected by over 30 volunteers who will leave their families to respond to any emergency.

The WCVFD is an ISO Class 5/9E fire department. The WCVFD responds to emergencies with eight fire apparatus equipped to handle any type of emergency. The newest apparatus is a 2018 2500-gallon tanker that replaced a tanker/pumper that was over 25 years old. The WCVFD recently moved into a new station that replaced the original fire station, built in 1963.

Waco VFD

Listen to Cleveland County Fire Dispatch live on Broadcastify.com

Please follow us on Facebook for more photos and recent news about what's going on at WCVFD!

Waco VFD is a non-profit organization that depends on community suppport. Please consider a tax-deductible donation today!